BREAKING NEWS: CDC Director Makes Startling Admissions

(Republican Insider) – In a brand new, candid interview-format presentation from last Thursday that was conducted at her alma mater, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky went on to make quite a few significant admissions concerning how her agency handled messaging and data during the COVID pandemic, going on to affirm the concerns of many health scientists who have been silenced and slandered over the course of the last two years for spreading “misinformation.”

According to WND, she admitted, among several other things, in remarks that were made at the Washington University Medical School in St. Louis:

-The CDC exercised “too little caution and too much optimism” about the effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing infection, transmission and deaths.

-She was “proud of our ability to get data out,” describing a new, “modern” data assimilation and analysis system that provided crucial information on vaccine effectiveness to health care officials and the public about every 48 hours. The comment is significant in light of the recent admission of unnamed CDC officials to the New York Times that the agency has withheld most of its data regarding COVID-19 — presumably including data regarding the adverse effects of vaccines — for fear it would be misinterpreted by critics. And she still has not fulfilled her promise to a senator on Jan. 11 to provide “the data” on vaccine-related deaths.

-When she declared during the pandemic that the CDC would “lead with the science,” the public took that as a statement that science is “foolproof.” But science isn’t “black and white,” Walensky acknowledged Thursday. It’s “gray,” and “sometimes it takes months and years to actually find out the answer.” Johns Hopkins University professor Dr. Marty Makary said recently the CDC has been “using science as political propaganda.”

-The CDC and establishment media emphasized the data regarding cases and deaths. But in future pandemics, the unintended impacts of pandemic mitigation need to be taken into account, Walensky said, such as opioid deaths, mental health challenges, cancer screenings and deferred elective surgeries. That was the message of many medical scientists, including those behind the “Great Barrington Declaration,” who were targeted and maligned by National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins as “fringe epidemiologists.”

At the event last Thursday, Walensky was interviewed by Dr. William G. Powderly, who serves as the co-director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Washington University.

Campbell went on to ask Walensky what her agency got correct, that might end up being helpful later on down the road.

She responded by talking about the delivery of 550 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine and stated that she was “proud of our ability to data out.”

Walensky then said the CDC needs to provide “vaccine effectiveness data as fast as we can have it.”

“Because everybody wants to know how long this vaccine is working and is it waning,” she remarked.

Over the course of the last year, she stated that data on effectiveness was usually published every 48 hours, “which is kind of extraordinary.”

“Walensky described a new ‘pedal to the metal’ system of data assimilation and analysis that enables the CDC to link ‘vaccine immunization data to testing data … to death data,'” the report said.

“And because of that we can now, within four weeks, look at vaccine effectiveness for cases and deaths for two-thirds of America,” she went on to say.

“We can stratify by age, we can stratify by date of vaccine, we can stratify by which vaccine you got,” Walensky said.

“Asked where the CDC could improve, she pointed to her statement when the vaccines were rolled out that they would be ‘95% effective,'” the WND report said.

“So many of us wanted it to be helpful, so many of us wanted to say, ‘OK, this is our ticket out, we’re done,'” Walensky commented.

“So, I think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good things that came our way. I really do,” the CDC director said.

Walensky then claimed that “nobody” said the vaccines “will wear off.”

“Nobody said, ‘Well, what if the next variant — it’s not as potent against the next variant,'” she stated.

She then said another lesson they learned came from how she communicated the nature of the science.

“I have frequently said we’re going to lead with science, science is going to be the foundation of everything we do. That is entirely true,” Walensky started to say.

“I think the public heard that as the science is foolproof. Science is black and white. Science is immediate, and we get the answer and we make a decision based on the answer,” she said.

The truth, Walensky claimed, is “science is gray.”

“And science is not always immediate. And sometimes it takes months and years to actually find out the answer. But you have to make decisions in a pandemic before you have that answer,” she said.

Campbell then asked her how to best prepare for future pandemics.

“I think our data sources need to be key,” she responded.

“I think we need to be able to have a full line of sight, almost a 30,000 foot view of all of the respiratory viruses that could potentially lead to this,” she continued.

“She discussed the balancing of the risks from COVID-19 with the risks from mitigation efforts. She noted that in newscasts, the number of cases and deaths was displayed on TV screens.”

Walensky then placed emphasis on the fact that there are “so many other things we are counting that don’t make the headlines,” like “opioid deaths, mental health challenges,” screenings for cancer, and deferred elective surgeries.

“We’re not telling that as much. I think we will be telling that in the future,” she concluded.

Copyright 2022.

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  1. People might feel differently about the “plandemic”, the vaccines and ALL the CoVic19 folderol if the conniving Demmunists had not USED CoVid19 as their excuse for all KINDS of illegal and unconstitutional overreach, including the BRAZEN theft of a Presidential election by inserting MILLIONS of bogus “mailed” ballots into the vote count. Now we have an UNELECTED incompetent senile SOCK PUPPET in the White House–ALSO thanks to their “plandemic.” Their “plandemic” is/was all about money and getting total political power and control over the rest of us. They are fighting to keep it going, hinting that “more shutdowns may be needed,” even though data shows the virus is on the wane. CoVid was “fundamentally transformed” into an instrument of TYRANNY by the conniving, America-hating Demmunists. They used it to ILLEGALLY seize control of the government, and they are trying to use it to STAY in power in perpetuity.


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