Trump Accuses Biden Challenger Of Being A ‘Democrat Plant’

(Republican Insider) – Former President Donald Trump published a series of three posts on Truth Social last Friday that attacked independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., referring to him as a Democratic “plant” to try and help President Joe Biden win a second term in the White House this November. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case, as the left has proven they are desperate enough to employ just about any sort of strategy you can think of in order to prevent Trump from winning the general election.

“RFK Jr. is a Democrat “Plant,” a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the History of the United States, get Re-Elected,” Trump went on to say in the first post of the series, according to The Western Journal’s latest report.

The former president made the claim that “protest” votes cast for Kennedy would essentially be “wasted” ballots and take away from his own performance far more than it would Biden’s, despite the Washington Examiner saying such a claim was questionable. However, it’s possible. We really don’t know for sure one way or the other, which means that having Kennedy in the mix is a risk for both candidates. Someone will absolutely be negatively impacted, it could be Trump. And that would be disastrous for the future of our country.

Does that mean Kennedy is a plant? Hard to tell, but again, it would fall in line with the kind of tactics that have been employed by the Democratic Party as they attempt to take Trump down.

“Analysts aren’t entirely sure as to whether he would take more votes away from Trump or Biden, as his eclectic platform and Kennedy name give different appeals to both,” Brady Knox said in an article for the Examiner.

Describing what the “eclectic platform” looked like, Trump stated, “Junior’ is totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist who makes the Green New Scammers look Conservative, a Big Time Taxer and Open Border Advocate, and Anti-Military/Vet.”

People seem to forget that while RFK has been right about the COVID vaccine and a few other subjects, he’s still very much a liberal. This one policy stance is not nearly enough to establish him as someone that should be voted for.

In Trump’s second post, he declared that RFK’s “Radicalized family will never allow him to be a Republican.”

It’s important to note that Kennedy has never claimed to be in alignment with the Republican Party platform and was initially running for president as a Democrat before switching to an independent in October 2023. He has a history with the Democratic Party, having worked on the campaign staff of his uncle, Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy, endorsing Al Gore for president in 2000, and so on.

“And in 2008, he endorsed former first lady Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primaries and later actively campaigned for Barack Obama after he won the party’s nomination. Trump went on to criticize Kennedy’s choice for running mate, California lawyer and philanthropist Nicole Shanahan, whom the former candidate said was picked because of her personal wealth,” the report continued.

The article then divulged, “Trump went on in a third post to criticize Kennedy’s radical environmental policies — he was at one time a supporter of the ‘Green New Deal’ proposal — and argued that his anti-establishment views on the safety and efficacy of vaccines, a topic Kennedy has spoken about for at least a decade, are ‘fake.’ He even suggested that America would be better off under another four years of a Biden presidency than it would with Kennedy in the Oval Office.”

What did Kennedy have to say about Trump’s posts? He penned a reply on X, making the suggestion that the two clear the air by expressing their differences in a debate, a similar proposal to the one Trump himself made to President Biden.

“What prompted Trump’s attack on Kennedy at this time was not clear. According to polling averages from RealClearPolitics, Trump is leading Biden in national polling by 0.3 points when only the two major party candidates are considered, but that lead increases to 0.9 points in a five-way race including Kennedy, fellow independent Cornell West, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein,” the WJ disclosed.

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