‘Unprofessional Conduct’: Doctors Threatened With Punishment For Disagreeing With Official COVID Narrative

(Republican Insider) – A new report from Just the News has revealed that Democratic Assemblyman Evan Low’s AB 2098 would actually allow doctors’ statements, private or in public, on the coronavirus to be analyzed and treated as possible “unprofessional conduct.”

This, of course, is a means by which to try and silence those in the medical profession who might have an opinion that differs from the one being pushed in the liberal news media propaganda, which is designed to help justify the left’s continual usurpation of political power.

According to WND, “Interestingly, though, the report documents that the bill ‘promotes long-outdated information about COVID deaths in unvaccinated vs. vaccinated, however, rather than updated Omicron variant figures.'”

This punishment would be imposed beneath the proposal for disagreeing with “contemporary scientific consensus” on COVID. Yes, that’s right. These folks, who are medical professionals, would not be allowed to have an opinion critical of the current narrative of the coronavirus.

If doctors and scientists aren’t allowed to question consensus, how can we refine our information and make sure what we know about the virus and how to treat it are accurate?

“The report explained the bill was joined by five other California Assembly and Senate members and opens doctors’ comments about COVID to review by the Medical Board of California and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California,” the report stated.

Sanctions might follow.

The summary from the legislature says, “Existing law requires the applicable board to take action against any licensed physician and surgeon who is charged with unprofessional conduct.”

The legislation would then “designate the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation” about the coronavirus as “unprofessional conduct.”

“The state already has begun imposing its views on others. Gov. Gavin Newsom wants money for an office that would spread ‘accurate scientific information’ and counter ‘false claims.’ The state also is broadcasting COVID commercials with its view,” the report continued.

The report from Just The News went on to explain that other states around the nation are now insisting that their official views on the coronavirus, and only those views, be talked about by physicians.

“Perhaps most prominent is pathologist Ryan Cole, who practices in both Idaho and Washington state and has allegedly prescribed ivermectin. A leader in America’s Frontline Doctors, which challenges COVID orthodoxy, Cole was targeted by the Idaho Medical Association after he was appointed to a regional health board, though only Washington state has confirmed an investigation,” the report went on to say.

The state of Maine has already suspended the license of internist Meryl Nass and has ordered a neuropsychological evaluation, due to her comments made about the coronavirus, which have actually now been repeated by the CDC.

The state of California has already come out and stated that “misinformation” is a “public health crisis.”

Of course, the biggest issue here, besides the silencing of individuals and loss of liberty, is that much of the current medical establishment’s comments about the illness and how it is treated or prevented has turned out to be wrong.

It’s this very fact that has caused thousands of doctors to come out swinging against COVID policy makers, accusing them of “crimes against humanity.”

Copyright 2022. RepublicanInsider.org

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  1. I have been posting this over and over so that people who can think for themselves will do just that! Why haven’t these big pharma companies ever been able to develop vaccines for the common cold or HIV both viruses and that have been around for decades. Yet in less than a year multiple big pharma companies have developed a covid vaccine? Why if you do get the covid vaccine do you need multiple shots and multiple boosters? Why if you do get the covid vaccine are you still required to wear a mask, social distance and why do you still get covid? Why do these big pharma companies want the side effects from these covid vaccines kept from the public until the year 2076? These are questions that you should be asking yourself and doing research on. I am not vaccinated and I am 77! No one in my family has contacted covid except for my granddaughter and her husband. She had a stuffy nose and sore throat and his symptoms were minor. Two of my family members chose to get the covid vaccine and had severe symptoms. One will now be on oxygen for the rest of her life! We all have continued to socialize and don’t wear masks or social distance and have had large family gatherings and no one has gotten or spread covid at any of these events.

  2. Hey, I want my doctor to speak his mind and give me the treatment I need not what our s.o.b. govt agencies think I need. Who the heck are these govt agencies making medical decision, they are not doctors and have no business telling doctors or nurses how to treat people. Let the doctor decide if the new and old medicines are good or not, not a politician of which we have few of politicians who have any brains let alone medical knowledge. This is not a country where communists get to decide our medical needs, yet.

  3. So Now politicians have more medical knowledge than the people in the medical fields who studied for YEARS !! Sounds like the medical people who are so “uninformed” and dare to disagree must be messing with the big money the drug company and politicians are awarding to themselves !! The government agencies, drug companies and politicians have abolished any and all respect the American People (not the sheep) have for them. I think if I were the doctors and nurses being abused, I would not be available when these low-life fools needed medical attention !

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